We Aim To Deliver Quality Not Quantity!

When we speak about mobile marketing, we must pay special attention to SMS marketing, since SMS has proved to be one of the most effective marketing and sales tools. This small portion of information, delivered to your mobile phone, has a phenomenal 98% open rate within 3 minutes! No other marketing tool can offer such an efficiency rate, making SMS marketing the most convenient way to deliver your business message to your customers and prospects.

Although mobile technology has advanced significantly and offers so many new age solutions, some ‘good old things’ will never go out of fashion. To illustrate this we’ll use some recent mobile marketing stats that say a percentage of smartphone users that text is a whopping 96%! So, despite all the advances in mobile technology, SMS messaging is still very important to users. This is why every savvy digital marketer will not neglect SMS marketing.

MOBtexting, is one such platform that can take your SMS campaigns to a totally new level.

What are the most relevant uses of bulk SMS messaging?

• Mass SMS advertising

• Sending notifications

• Alerts

• Reminders

• Safety checks (password confirmation)

• Product information

• News

• SMS newsletters

• Entertainment (competitions)

• All sorts of different text messages

Who is using our Bulk SMS software?

It is known that this type of messaging is used by:

• Consumer brands

• Enterprises

• Banks

• Media outlets

• Major airlines

• Travel agencies

• Healthcare providers

• Large consumer websites

• Retailers etc.

Why are they using our service?

Because they have a large base of users and clients that need to be reached at once with a certain information. Whether it is a reminder, alert or some news, all these businesses need an efficient way to deliver these messages to their audience. But, Bulk messaging is not limited to big businesses only. SMEs can and should use this service as well. Although email marketing is considered one of the most efficient ways to reach people, the fact is that only a small percentage of emails are actually read. The same risk does apply for SMS marketing, but since messages are coming directly to a device people are so attached to and they don’t require Internet to be opened and read, this risk pays off. And fact that even 98% of SMSs are opened and read proves that this type of communication is the best if you want to engage consumers and stay on their ‘agenda’.

You should think of mass messaging as your additional business offer that can increase sales and revenue because it empowers you to reach customers when it’s most suitable for them, with the most important information or service they need from you. You can lead them through the sales funnel to reach macro (purchase) conversions or entice small, micro engagements, depending on the type of business you’re in and your business goals.

Bulk messaging is a very good platform to be used for organizing entertaining mobile marketing campaigns that can not only help you raise additional revenue but also make people remember your brand and stick to it. Engaging winning games, interesting voting campaigns or Q&A sessions can all be organized using different apps and realized through mass messaging service. Such marketing campaigns will definitely attract new clients to your brick & mortar stores because the word of mouth is the most powerful 21st-century marketing tactic. Use bulk SMS to promote your competitions and invite entries.

Who can also use a mass text messaging service to gain competitive advantage and improve customer/user satisfaction? Private or/and public schools can use mass messaging to quickly send information to parents and teachers. Hotels and restaurants should also consider using bulk SMS concept to send special offers or invitations. Publishers, theatres, cinemas, galleries are all great candidates for using mass text messaging services to announce new books or invite people to premiers and exhibits.

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